


文 / 蔡屿汀



参展作品 黄浦江-东岸0815K 2016



参展作品 黄浦江-东岸0815L 2016


参展作品 黄浦江-东岸0815M 2016


参展作品 黄浦江-东岸0815N 2016



参展作品 黄浦江-东岸0815A 2016


参展作品 黄浦江-东岸0815B 2016



参展作品 黄浦江-东岸0815C 2016


参展作品 黄浦江-东岸0815D 2016


参展作品 黄浦江-东岸0815E 2016



参展作品 黄浦江-东岸0815F 2016


参展作品 黄浦江-东岸0815G 2016



参展作品 黄浦江-东岸0815H 2016


参展作品 黄浦江-东岸0815I 2016


参展作品 黄浦江-东岸0815J 2016


Analysis the concept about visual art of Sanshui(a contemporary artist from shanghai)

Cai Yuting

If we review that what happened in Chinese contemporary art in the past nearly 30 years, we could come to the conclusion that the direct way to express tragedy has been completely eliminated. Firstly, young generation artists have gradually begun to use breezy way to describe the psychological status about individuality and society. Furthermore, it can be believed that the art work in this exhibition not only represent the trend of the development in Chinese contemporary art, but also fully embodies society dissection from new contemporary phenomenon.

Sanshui was born in 1970s and he is a sensitive visual artist. Wisdom and marvelous insight about art make him so different in the art world of China. Comparing with the way of social expressing from the other visual artists in China, Sanshui has paid more attention to personal descriptions. In fact, expression of private desire is usually appearing in the present art world, which means sanshui had abandoned the psychology of common expression belonged to the 1960s and 1970s artists, then turn to choose the youngest way to express his ideas . On the other hand, these digital art works represent the time from past to now and his art work record the development and change in the society of China.

I was very surprised when I saw his new works two months ago. The previous works of him convey the concept of traditional Chinese culture. But, his new art works reveal some kind of considerations about social communities in the contemporary world and the special identity from China now, although he still adopts traditional perspective way which is called view borrowing .

View borrowing is a way to create traditional Chinese art which is called garden art, but this artist is no longer limited by the original concept. Sanshui inherited the classic spirit and mixed it with modern art, and create a new art language. On the other hand, new high-tech photography art entered the stage of contemporary art. Recreating the pictures which means post-production has been adopted. Sanshui use this method keenly and reconstruct the way of expression about personal experience which under China’s traditional culture concept.

Now, we have entered an digital era ,every outstanding contemporary artist should have a decisive and definite attitude, as one of the emerging powerful contemporary artist ,Sanshui has been belong to Shanghai .From the famous series of “the bund” to a new Huangpu river” series, Sanshui has described about Shanghai with his deep understanding.

All in all, from the perspective of the development in Shanghai’s fine art history, we couldn’t find enough artists who still express their thoughts about Shanghai in the recent few years. Hence, Sanshui’s new art works continue to keep his concerning about Shanghai. At the same time, it is also a good action to enrich contemporary art in Shanghai. From the “Bund” series to “Huangpu river” series, more and more people will know the charming attitude of Sanshui’s visual art.

Wish Sanshui’s solo exhibition will be successful!







2008年 “外滩”系列作品海上展 (上海 证大现代艺术馆)

2011年 “外滩”( 上海 上海大学美术学院99创意中心 )

2012年 “Bund” —三水影像艺术展(纽约 Harvestworks)

2013年 “朦胧中的真实”——三水个人作品展 (上海 O.Gallery)

2016年 “可见 不可控”三水个展 (中国摄影家协会 宁波艺术中心)

2016年  “借景—三水个展”  (上海 艺通佰通E空间)




吹万不同——当代艺术展(上海 峰顶画廊)

2016香港巴塞尔艺术展(中国 香港会议展览中心)

“艺术/设计”中韩艺术家交流展(中国 韩国驻上海总领事馆文化院)

尺度——大画幅摄影在中国(中国 2016平遥国际摄影大展)


海上繁花——2015上海当代艺术展(上海 佘山当代艺术中心)

城市目光——2015上海当代艺术大展(上海 云艺术中心)

“虚影实相:一条线索的改造”(中国 西安美术馆)


澳大利亚中国文化摄影展(澳大利亚 悉尼)

“冰镇效应”艺术家联展 (中国 东盟艺术馆)

Art in Transition (马来西亚 Avillion Hotel )

2014亚洲当代艺术展 (中国 香港)


“不存在的真实”(北京 前波画廊)

“成长中的城”当代艺术展(广西 南宁万象城)

“Awakening Impulse 唤醒脉冲”当代艺术展(上海 O.Gallery)


2012上海新水墨大展 (上海 多伦美术馆)

“地老天荒”(上海 壹号美术馆)

“中国未来——新兴艺术家计划”(北京 今日美术馆)


第一届多伦多中国摄影艺术节 (加拿大 多伦多)

终点到终点[End To End] New Media Art Show(纽约 Harvestworks)

虚构即真实——当代艺术展 (上海 明圆艺术中心)

“自省”当代艺术展(上海 朱屺瞻艺术馆)


第二届中国现象 · 偶发艺术节(中国宋庄 上上国际美术馆)

2010广西当代艺术影像展(中国 广西南宁)

“三生万物”——证大当代艺术陈列馆开馆展 (上海 证大当代艺术陈列馆)

《上海,行进中》(中国 2010平遥国际摄影大展)

“图像的异化” ——中国观念摄影四人展(广州 第三届小洲艺术节)

“错位”2010当代影像(重庆)交流展(重庆 四川美术学院)

真实的假象——五人图像作品展 (北京798 红鼎艺术)


“我·自己”——70’后当代艺术联展 (上海 春天画廊)

后物象——中国观念摄影四人展 (广州 国际艺术空间站)

1st PHOTO KOREA 2009 (韩国 首尔)

“混合与分享”CC综合艺术展 (北京798 映艺术中心)

记忆上海——中外艺术家影像作品联展 (上海 虹庙艺术)


无事生非?——七桩个案当代艺术邀请展 (上海M50 太阳虹画廊)

809国际新影像艺术节 (中国 809国际艺术村)

面前·一群唯物主义者的“世界观” (中国 2008平遥国际摄影大展)

“928点击”国际艺术年展 (外围一号文化机构)


“观念媒体“影像现场年展 (北京 当代艺术传媒)


San Shui

born in 1972, now lives in Shanghai

Solo Exhibition

2008 《The Bund》Collection exhibition (Zendai Modern Art Museum, Shanghai)

2011 Bund: Creativity Center 99 of Academy of Fine Arts(Shanghai University, Shanghai)

2012 “Bund” (New York Harvestworks)

2013 BLURRED REALITY – San Shui Solo Exhibition (Shanghai O.Gallery)

2016 The Visible But don't control ( Ningbo Art Center of China Photographers Association )

2016 View Borrowing- SanShui Solo Exhibition (Shanghai  Artoon E Space)


Group Exhibitions


‘GROUP DYNAMICS’ – Artists’ group exhibition premiere at Xinqiao Art Hub

BENCHMARK—Large Format Photography in china (Pingyao International Photography Show)


REVERSE RESPONSE Contemporary Art Exhibition (Shanghai Feson Art Space)

City Vision-Shanghai Contemporary Art Exhibition (Shanghai yun contemporary arts center)



Australia Lucky Star Festival(Australia Sydney)

ICED EFFECT ( Chinese ASEAN Art MUseum )

Forseeing Exhibition(Shanghai O.Gallery)

Art in Transition(Malaysia Avillion Hotel)

Asia Contemporary Art Show Spring 2014 (China HongKong)


Nonexistent Reality (Beijing Chambers Fine Art)

Growth in the city (China GuangXi NanNing)

“Awakening Impulse ”(Shanghai O.Gallery)


2012 Shanghai New Ink Exhibition(Shanghai Duolun Museum )

“End of time”(Shanghai One Museum)

China’s future — emerging artists scheme(Beijing Today Art Museum)


2011·Toronto Chinese Photo Festival (TCPF) (Canada Toronto)

The Birth of a Myth—Art in a State of Alertness—remembering Jiaozhou Lu incident(Shanghai YK art space)

“End To End”New Media Art Show(New York Harvestworks)

“Fiction & Truth”(Shanghai Mingyuan Art Center )

“Introspection”Contemporary Art Exhibition (Shanghai Zhu Qizhan Art)


To participate in the exhibition——ART Shanghai 2010 (ShanghaiMART)

The Second Chinese Phenomenon · Happeningl Arts Festival (SIAM Songzhuang, China)

2010 Image Exhibition of Contemporary in Guangxi(China Nanning)

Shanghai in Proceeding (Pingyao International Photography Show)

SAN SHENG WAN WU—Inauguration of the exhibition of Zendai Contemporary Art Exhibition Hall(Shanghai Zendai Contemporary Art Exhibition Hall)

Dissimilation of Images—China Concept Photography Exhibition(Guangzhou 3rd Xiaozhou Arts Festival)

“Malposition”2010 Contemporary Image Exchange Exhibition in Chongqing (Chongqing Sichuan Fine Arts stitute)

The Real False Appearance —The 5-Person Image Show(Beijing 798Top Red)

The 1st International Nanoart Exhibition (Shanghai Tongji University)


“I·Myself”—— 70’s Contemporary Art Exhibition(Spring gallery,Shanghai)

After the object – the concept of four photographic Exhibition (Guangzhou International Art Space)

To participate in the exhibition——ART Shanghai 2009 (ShanghaiMART)

1st PHOTO KOREA (Korea Seoul)

Mixing and sharing CC Art Exhibition (Beijing 798 Inter Art Center)

Shanghai Memories – The Chinese and foreign artists Image works exhibition ( Shanghai Hong Miao Gallery )


Out of Nothing?— Seven individual contemporary artists invitational exhibition (Moganshan Rd, Shanghai)

809 International New Visual Art Festival (809 International Art Village, Hubei)

Front – The “World View” of a group of Materialists (Pingyao International Photography Show)

“928Click” Annual International Art Show (Peripheral number one Art Institute)

“The concept of media image network Exhibition”(Contemporary Arts Media ,Beijing .Museum of Art Hongwan,Beijing)

Inward Gazes: Documentaries of Chinese Performance Art 2008(The Macao Museum of Art)


艺术总监:   谭海山

出  品  人:   刘   伟

空间负责人:陈  霄

展览执行:    董  浩

开 幕 式:2016 年 9 月 17 日  15:30

展    期:  2016.9.17-2016.9.26

主    办: 艺通佰通(上海)艺术发展有限公司

地    点: E空间(上海市徐汇区虹漕南路9号1号楼3A)

开放日期:周二 —  周日 10:00—17:00

