活动时间: 2015年11月18日-23日
开幕时间: 2015年11月18日 15:00
开幕地点: 上海市松江区沈砖公路5555号和5808号3号楼
主办单位: 没顶公司/Cc基金会
支持: 松江区文化广播影视管理局
15:00-15:45 《发明仪式》国内首场
第二场:16:00-16:45 (沈砖公路5808号3号楼)
第三场:18:00-18:45 (沈砖公路5808号3号楼)
16:00-18:00 艺术家工作室开放(沈砖公路5555号)
18:00-18:30 Cc基金会展览《超级文献》开幕仪式(沈砖公路5555号12号楼)
18:30-21:00 艺术节PARTY
第一场:13:00-13:45 (沈砖公路5808号3号楼)
第二场:16:00-16:45 (沈砖公路5808号3号楼)
Cc基金会《超级文献》 & 没顶画廊(松江):12:00-17:00 (沈砖公路5555号12号楼)
Cc基金会揭幕展《超级文献》,是由周大为 (David Chau) 策划的纽约华裔艺术家陈佩之 (Paul Chan) 和上海艺术家陆平原的双人展。这是Cc基金会成立以来的首展,展览将呈现陈佩之的重要录像作品和陆平原的最新故事。
MadeIn Company and Cc Foundation are proud toannounce
the First Edition of
PIMO Contemporary Art Festival
This First Editionof PIMO Contemporary Art Festival will be held from November 18 to 23, 2015 in5808 and 5555 Shenzhuan Road, in Songjiang district, Shanghai.
PIMO ContemporaryArt Festival, co-organized by MadeIn Company and Cc Foundation, is an art event,which presents dynamic, prolific and multifaceted contemporary art programs tothe public. PIMO Contemporary Art Festival consists in three main activities: Inventing Ritual Contemporary Art Event,Cc Foundation’s inaugural exhibition SuperArchives, and Artists’ Open Studio.
Event: Nov 18th-23 2015
Opening: Nov18th 2015 15:00
Venue: 5808&5555 Shenzhuan Road, SongjiangDistrict, Shanghai China
Organizer: MadeInCompany/Cc Foundation
Support: CulturalMinistry of Songjiang
Sheshan Club
Zhong Zhi RunIndustrial Company
Event Schedule:
Nov 18th
15:00-15:45 InventingRitual Premiere in China
16:00-16:45 (Bldg 3, 5808 Shenzhuan Road)
18:00-18:45 (Bldg 3, 5808 Shenzhuan Road)
16:00-18:00 Artist open studios (5555 Shenzhuan Road)
18:00-18:30 Cc Foundation Super Archives Opening (Bldg 12, 5555 Shenzhuan Road)
18:30-21:00 PIMO Art Festival PARTY
Nov 19th-23rd
Inventing Ritual
13:00-13:45 (Bldg 3, 5808Shenzhuan Road)
16:00-16:45 (Bldg 3, 5808Shenzhuan Road)
CcFoundation Super Archives & MadeInGallery (Songjiang)
12:00-17:00 (Bldg 3, 5808Shenzhuan Road
Art Festival introduction:
Activity 1: InventingRitual Contemporary Art Event
Venue:Bldg 3, 5808 Shenzhuan Road
Inventing Ritual was conceivedand curated by MadeIn Company together with artists Lu Pingyuan and Zhao Yao.The whole ritual lasts for 45 minutes approximately and is composed of works bymore than twenty artists, including videos, performances, texts, paintings,installations, sculptures, images and other. Following its first presentationsin the Kunsthaus Graz during the Steirischer Herbst festival, the MoscowBiennial and the Ural Biennial in Yekaterinburg, Inventing Ritual will be shown for the first time in China withinthe PIMO Contemporary Art Festival.
Participatingartists for this edition of InventingRitual: Chen Xiaoyun, Chu Yun, Ding Li, Hu Xiangqian, Kan Xuan, Lin Ke, LiLiao, Li Gang, Liu Wei, Lu Pingyuan, Liu Chengrui, Shi Yong, Wang Jianwei, WangSishun, Wu Shanzhuan & Inga Svala Thorsdottir, Xu Zhen (Produced by MadeInCompany), Yang Zhenzhong, Yu Ji, Yuan Gong, Zhang Ding, Zhao Yao, Zhuang Hui,Zheng Guogu, Zhou Xiaohu, Zhu Yu.
Activity 2: Cc Foundation Super Archives
Venue:Bldg 12, 5555 Shenzhuan Road
Cc Foundationinaugural exhibition Super Archivescurated by David Chau will present the works by New York artist Paul Chan, andShanghai artist Lu Pingyuan. This will mark the first show ever held in CcFoundation since its establishment. Displayed works consist in representativesvideos by Paul Chan and new stories by Lu Pingyuan.
Based in HongKong, Cc Foundation is founded and supported by David Chau.
CcFoundation actively promotes the development of Chinese contemporary culture,art industry as well as education, by supporting young emerging art workers andcommunities, encouraging new concepts and forms of art, as well as building andimproving the environment for cultural and art workers.
Activity 3: Artists’ Open Studio
Venue:Sheshan Club, 5555 Shenzhuan Road
Artiststudios and organizations will be open to the public. Open Studios invitesvisitors to experience art at its root, share conversations with artists tofurther discover and understand creating process.
Participatingartists and organizations: Shen Fan, Gao Lei, Li Qing, Chen Yufan, Zhou Xiaohu,Wu Shanzhuan, Wang Yi, Dong Wensheng, Liu Weijian, Ding Li, Wang Sishun, PanJinnong, Da Ren, Wang Kai, Li Qunli , Zhao Yao, Australia China Art Foundation,MadeIn Gallery (Songjiang)
About PIMO:
PIMO is acontemporary art brand co-created by Xu Zhen and David Chau.
Basedin Shanghai, PIMO is an innovative art corporation, which provides servicesranging from art events planning, art collectibles, branding and other, all tailoredto the specific needs of contemporary art industry.