
展览: 洛杉矶计划

日期: 2014年9月13日 至 2014年11月9日

地点: 大堂、悦廊、长廊、甬道、中展厅和大展厅

Exhibition: The Los Angeles Project

Date: September 13 to November 9

Venue: Lobby, Atrium, Long Gallery, Nave, Central Gallery, and Great Hall

洛杉矶拥有西方当代文化体系中最复杂和丰富的艺术图景,2014年9月,UCCA将用全部展厅呈现由7组艺术家个人项目组成的群展,推出来自洛杉矶的杰出艺术家的精彩创作,参展者包括凯瑟琳·安德鲁斯、阿龙·柯里、亚历克斯·以色列、马修· 莫纳汉、斯特林·鲁比、莱恩·特里卡丁以及卡里·厄普森。

这7位艺术家是具有全球影响力的中坚一代创作实践者,他们有着多元的文化背景,与艺术学院、画廊及美术馆关系紧密,是国际当代艺术界最炙手可热的艺术明星。尽管洛杉矶和北京存在诸多地缘的相似性,但在好莱坞以外的区域,这两座城市一直缺乏具体的文化层面上的关联。洛杉矶一直被称之为“未来之城”,这与中国在社会主义乌托邦蓝图下跃进的城市化有着惊人的相似性,故事似乎最终将有一个令人欣慰的结局: 这座城市克服了雾霾,历经诸多全球性的动荡却依然屹立在世界核心都市之林。今天,中国的当代艺术环境已经趋于成熟,这里成为了一个集地理、人文背景及主观性为一体的多极领域;而同样作为两国大陆的创造力之都,洛杉矶和北京在文化版图上的特殊关联,亦趋向于明朗。


In a critical examination of one of the most important art centers in the Western world, UCCA will dedicate its entire exhibition space to an anthology of seven shows of contemporary artists living and working in Los Angeles. They are Kathryn Andrews, Aaron Curry, Alex Israel, Matthew Monahan, Sterling Ruby, Ryan Trecartin, and Kaari Upson.

These seven artists represent a generation of creative practitioners drawn to a global nexus, one whose rich cultural legacy and robust network of art schools, galleries, and institutions acts as a magnet for top talents in the field of contemporary art. Outside of Hollywood, specific cultural connections between Los Angeles and Beijing have been lacking despite their relative geographic proximity. Los Angeles has long been imagined as a “city of the future” in much the same way that urban development in China has unfolded against the backdrop of an implicit utopianism. Ultimately, the story of LA is an optimistic one—a city that has conquered its smog and stayed globally central amidst massive worldwide change. As China’s creative scene matures into a multipolar terrain of geographies, contexts, and subjectivities, Los Angeles and its cultural topography become especially relevant to Beijing and its current position as the mainland’s creative capital.

Rather than a thematic group show, “The Los Angeles Project” at UCCA uses the Center’s wide range of spaces to juxtapose a set of positions with regard for the individual character of each artist’s practice. Accompanying the show is a publication in the form of a collection of seven distinct artist books, as well as a range of multidisciplinary public programs. The UCCA exhibition is the first showing in China for most of the participating artists as well as the first time the art of Los Angeles has been comprehensively presented in the region.


Ryan Trecartin 莱恩·特里卡丁

Ryan Trecartin 莱恩·特里卡丁  The Re’Search (Re’Search Wait’S) 《研究(研究等待)》2009-2010  HD video 高清录像  40’6″ 40分6秒

Kaari Upson卡里·厄普森

Kaari Upson卡里·厄普森 8:16PM 《 下午8点16分》  2013 Silicone  硅胶  203 x 152 x 25 cm 203 x 152 x 25 厘米